After you move in to Kizunaya Share House of HASH196 (Chiba) or Tabicco (Osaka), you can use the Hostel Pass, which allows you to stay at guesthouses around Japan for free!
〜Free stay in 37 locations across Japan just by living in our shared house.〜
Hostel Pass is a subscription service that provide unlimited stays at partner hostels for a flat monthly fee.
Resident who live in some target kizunaya shared house (https://kizunaya-s.com/)、 are able to stay for free at any of the partner guesthouses in Japan.
▶︎Target shared house :HASH196(chiba)、tabicco(osaka)
▶︎Partner Hosetel:Sapporp・Sendai・Tokyo/Nihonbashi・Tokyo/Asakusabashi・Odawara・Kamakura・Narita・Kanazawa・Nagoya・Kyoto・Osaka・Nagasaki・Izuoshima・Yakushima etc.
37 locations throughout Japan ※As of April 2022
Reference:Hostel Pass Partner Sites(https://hostellife.jp/)
▶︎Rent(include utility fee):39,000yen(Dormitory) / 60,000yen(private room)
『We want you to find your favorite places all over Japan.』
Dear people come form other country to Japan.
We want you to not only live in a shared house, but also to travel all over Japan and find places you like.
With this thought, we had started free Hostel Pass service.
For All Residents of Kizunaya Shared house of HASH196 (Chiba) and tabicco (Osaka) can use the following partner hostels for free. Usage and rules will be explained to you when you move in.
You can stay at as many of the following partner hostels as you want.
ADDRESS:〒990-0015 山形県山形市新山514−1
ADDRESS:〒984-0074 宮城県仙台市若林区東七番丁1−15
ADDRESS:〒012-1131 19 秋田県雄勝郡羽後町西馬音内本町19
ADDRESS:〒111-0053 東京都台東区浅草橋3丁目10−8
ADDRESS:〒103-0023 〒103-0023 東京都中央区日本橋本町4丁目13−8
ADDRESS:〒153-0042 東京都目黒区青葉台4-9-10
ADDRESS:〒250-0011 神奈川県小田原市4 栄町3-4-17 相湘11栄町ビル 2F-B
ADDRESS:〒369-1901 埼玉県秩父市大滝138−1
ADDRESS:〒406-0015 山梨県笛吹市春日居町鎮目511
ADDRESS:〒920-0852 石川県金沢市此花町3−3ビルB棟3F ライブ1
ADDRESS:〒919-0131 福井県南条郡南越前町今庄82−10
ADDRESS:〒506-0026 岐阜県高山市花里町6丁目5
ADDRESS:〒458-0924 愛知県名古屋市緑区有松924
ADDRESS:〒515-2621 三重県津市白山町佐田1647
ADDRESS:〒602-8155 京都府京都市上京区主税町上京区主税町986
ADDRESS:〒601-8416 京都府京都市南区西九条池ノ内町96−1
ADDRESS:〒542-0081 大阪府大阪市中央区南船場1丁目8−17
ADDRESS:〒651-0056 兵庫県神戸市中央区中央区熊内町7丁目1−9
ADDRESS:〒557-0002 大阪府大阪市西成区太子1-3-5
ADDRESS:〒701-4302 岡山県瀬戸内市牛窓町牛窓2321−2
ADDRESS: 〒706-0011 岡山県玉野市宇野8丁目34−11
ADDRESS:〒690-0887 島根県松江市殿町217
ADDRESS:〒760-0050 香川県高松市亀井町110−3
ADDRESS:〒770-0024 徳島県徳島市佐古四番町13−17
ADDRESS:〒684-0403 島根県隠岐郡隠岐郡海士町海士1456−5
ADDRESS:〒812-0036 福岡県福岡市博多区上呉服町4−3
ADDRESS:〒812-0033 福岡県福岡市博多区大博町8−26
ADDRESS:〒891-4406 鹿児島県熊毛郡屋久島町平内258−24
ADDRESS:〒904-0301 沖縄県中頭郡読谷村座喜味2250−2
▼Chiba:share house #HASH196: https://kizunaya-s.com/house/hush196/
▼Osaka:share house tabicco: http://kizunaya-s.com/house/tabicco/
If you come to Japan, please take some trip to various places in each of the four seasons.
Cherry blossoms in spring, autumn leaves in fall, and snow in winter.
Japan, with its four seasons, offers you enjoyable travel throughout the year.
Those who live in Kizunaya shared houses can use the Hostel Pass, a nationwide unlimited stay pass, so we hope that you will take advantage of it and find your favorite places all over Japan.
For Kizuyana shared house, it’s very privilege to support your stay in Japan make more wonderful.
Free rent
Joban Line Kashiwa Station 12 minutes on foot (30 minutes to Ueno station)
Chiyoda Line Kashiwa Station 12 minutes on foot (40 minutes to Otemachi station)
Rent: ¥26,000- ~ ¥52,000
scale: 100 (male / female)
Free rent
JR Kyoto Line Senrioka station 12 minutes on foot. (13 minutes to Osaka station)
Hankyu Kyoto Line Settu-shi station 10 minutes on foot. (18 minutes to Umeda station)
Rent:¥22,000- ~ ¥46,000
Scale:26 ( male/ female)