池袋hugでは毎月family Dayが開催され、ハウスファミリーみんなでお出かけをすることが多いのです。写真はその時の様子。
<家族旅行♪hug tripの様子はこちら>
[:en]Ikebukuro hug is a sharehouse located in the center of Tokyo.
Just a 5 minute walk from Ikebukuro station, you can enjoy international exchange with 14 men and women here. The number of residents is not too many and not too few, so the house is characterized by its homey atmosphere.
Please take a look at the pictures to see how homey it is.
Ikebukuro hug holds a family day every month, and we often have an outing with all the house family members. The picture is from that day.
<A family day♪More info about hug trip, click here!>
International exchange is the concept, so 30 or 40% of the total number of people are foreigners. American, British, Russian and many other nationalities are gathered here.
Here’s a look at the common area of Ikebukuro hug.
This is the living and dining room. It’s not very spacious, but it’s a space where 14 people can spend time with a homey atmosphere. There’s a TV, a compact library space, and the dining room and kitchen are directly connected to the living room.
[:en]Let’s take a look at each room type.
First, let’s see the private room.
The storage space in the private rooms varies from room to room. Some rooms have a bookcase.
Rents range is from 61,000 yen to 69,000 yen, depending on the size of the room.
This is a female dormitory. There are 2 dormitories, one is for 3 women and the other is for 5 men sharing a room.
Prices range is from 37,000 yen to 40,000 yen for dormitory rooms.
There is a separate charge (common charge) of 15,000 yen for private rooms and 12,000 yen for dormitory rooms.
Electricity, water, gas, basic consumables and weekly cleaning service. are included in the common charge.
Other services include Wi-Fi access.
誰もが初めての場所に飛び込むのは勇気がいりますが、池袋hugのファミリーは誰もがウェルカムに新しいファミリーを受け入れてくれます。それはきっと、自分自身が入居をするタイミングで、ウェルカムに迎え入れてもらった記憶があるから。「ようこそ」ウェルカムな雰囲気は、人から人へ繋がれて続きます。[:en]Shiho-chan, the community manager of Ikebukuro hug, told us so.
While Kizunaya sharehouse is a sharehouse that places great importance on community, it’s the job of the community manager to nurture that community together with the members of the house family.
Shiho-chan, the community manager of Ikebukuro Hug, values the warm atmosphere of the house. It’s more like a family than a real family. The house community is nurtured so much that our house family says, “This is more like a family than a real family.
It takes a lot of courage to jump into a new place, but everyone at Ikebukuro hug welcomes new family members. Because everyone there had an experience of being welcomed as a new family member as well. The welcoming atmosphere is a way of connecting people to each other.
池袋hug 情報
立地:JR 池袋駅より徒歩5分
家賃:個室 61,000円から ドミトリー37,000円から
共益費:個室15,000円 ドミトリー12,000円
A small house in the middle of the city.
As this is a popular property that is not easily available, please contact us as soon as possible when there are vacancies.
<Vacancy information>
Info about Ikebukuro hug
Location: 5mins from Ikebukuro station (JR and some metro )
Number of households: 14men and women
Rent: 61,000yen~ for a private room , 37,000yen~ for a dormitory room
The common charge: A private room 15,000yen, a dormitory room 12,000yen
The initial cost: 40,000yen (included administrative fee, cleaning fee upon leaving)
inquiry Contact us
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You can contact us from LINE.