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Dear Kizunaya Family.
Why don’t you share your “strengths” and “likes” with other families across the country?
One of the Kizunaya community systems is the Manabiba system.
It is a place where people can share their personalities and skills online.

The number of manabiba held by the family so far is countless and rich in personalities.
We have held courses on astrology, marketing, online board games, and English coaching. From professional cooking classes to courses on intestinal health.
This is a time to share each other’s skills and strengths, which is possible because Kizunaya has many members with rich personalities and various skills.
Something that is “natural” to you may be “amazing” to someone else.
Why don’t you expand your connections by sharing your strengths?
We are looking for families who would like to take on the challenge of hosting this event.


[:ja](1)自分の得意を生かして何かチャレンジしてみたい人[:en](1) People who want to challenge yourself by using your strengths.[:]




頑張る人って、素敵ですよね。[:en]Recommended for the following people.①
People who want to challenge something using your strengths.

Want to have your own online salon someday. Want to create a community. Want to experience teaching my skills to others. Something I’m working on. Want to let more people know about it.

In such a case, it takes a lot of effort to do something on your own.
Where is the place? Who should I ask to come to the event (to attract people)? I’ve never done an event before, so how do I do it? It’s my first time! We think there are a lot of things you might not know.

Manabiba is held within the community of Kizunaya share houses across the country.
In addition, there will be a coordinator and other support until the event is held, so even if it’s your first time to hold an event or lecture, don’t worry! This is a great opportunity for those who want to try something new.
It’s the first step for those who want to take on a challenge and express yourself!
Kizunaya Share House supports residents who want to do their best.
It’s wonderful to see people who are trying their best.[:]

[:ja](2)自身の「得意」や「スキル」で、つながりを増やしたい・開拓したい人[:en](2) People who want to increase and develop your connections using your own "strengths" and "skills[:]




[:en](The photo shows the families connected at the Manabiba. It’s so convenient to be online!
It’s lucky to be an organizer! The reason is that they can make the most connections in the event.
Of course, when you hold a Manabiba, people who are interested in the subject gather together.

When you hold a Manabiba with people who share common interests and who are interested in the organizer, it is of course a time to share skills and strengths, but it is also a time to meet new people and make new connections.

If the event is held online, it will not only be held in the house where you live, but also in other Kizunaya communities across the country, so you will be able to connect with other families across the country who share your interests. “This may lead to a connection of “Let’s do something together! ”

This is a great way to make connections that are different from the natural interactions that occur at your house.[:]

[:ja](3)自分の好きなことや得意についての、棚卸しができる[:en](3) You can take a renewed look at what you like and what your strengths are.[:]



「そんな一面、自分にあったんだ〜!」なんて、自分自身を見直すきっかけになったら嬉しいです。[:en]The photo shows two of the family members who support the Challenger when holding the Manabiba.They take on the role of coordinators with a desire to support those who are trying their best.

Before holding a Manabiba, we always interview the host family.
Why did you decide to hold this event? How did you develop your skills and strengths? What kind of challenges do the host families want to take on in the future?
And what sense of values do you have?

We want to let people know more than simply exchanging skills, but also what kind of thoughts and values the families have when they host the event. However, more than just letting everyone know, interviewing the coordinators gives you time to clarify your own thinking and reevaluate your values.

We would be very happy if the challenge of the Manabiba would give you a chance to rethink yourself. Of course, through the interview and the time spent at the Manabiba, we’ ll ask a lot of questions about your personality and strengths, and bring out the best in you.
“I didn’t know there was such a side to me!” We hope it will give you a chance to look at yourself in a new light.[:]

[:ja]「ちょっとまなび場、やってみる?」主催方法まとめ[:en]"Do you want to try out a Manabiba? "Summary of how to organize[:]

<過去開催されたまなび場について一部紹介 / 一覧>

\大好評30人近くが参加表明!/なるほど!WEBマーケティング講座 開催レポート
by ぬーぴー(HASH196柏)
by ほりお(GlobalHUB幕張)
by さわちゃん(HASH196)and ぽーんさん(tabicco)
by わかニャン(masobiスペシャル講師)
by たけ(toiro)
by ミッキー(HASH196)
by こっちゃん(うみがめ舎)

“I think I’ll host one!”
If you think so, it’s easy to organize.
Please contact the official line for residents and say “I’d like to host a Manabiba.”
We will send you the details of the event and an interview.

By the way, if you hold a Manabiba, Kizunaya Share House will give you a small Amazon gift certificate for your courage in taking on this challenge.
“Tell us what you like, connect with people who have the same “likes,” and buy what you like with the gift certificate! Please take advantage of it!
<Introduction to some of the past Manabiba events / List>

Nearly 30 people have signed up! Web Marketing Course Report!
by Nupi (HASH196 Kashiwa)
French cooking with ingredients from convenience stores! A cooking class held by professional chef Horio! “Online Board Game Club” finally launched! We are now seeking members for our online club activities by professional board game players! Wakanyan Yoga vol.2 will be held on the weekend! .
by Wakanyan (masobi special instructor)
Want to be able to speak English! Report on the English Coaching Manabiba held by Take, who has a TOEIC score of 920.
by Take (toiro)
Make time for yourself. Manabiba “Reward Yoga” held.
by Mickey (HASH196)
Why don’t we all get pretty together? Self-Love Lecture” by Family Kocchan.
by Kochan (Umigame-sha)





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