HASH196 Family Rule

HASH196 Family Rule
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HASH196 Family Rule


#HASH196 / Kashiwa
HASH196 Family Rule

Use of Kids' Space


The kids’ space is basically for family households only.
It is available 24 hours a day. Single person can also use the space to play with children.


<About sound>



Please refrain from screaming, running around and making loud noises, especially between 9pm and 7am.

(Because of the echoes in the neighbor houses and because there are rooms in the vicinity of the kids’ space.)
*The same etiquette as that of a single person.


About the equipment in the kids' space


The TV is for family use only.
There is also a TV in the living room, but please be considerate to each other as singles also use it.


All refrigerators in the kitchen are required to store free food items only.
We also have a refrigerator in the kids’ space that can only be used by families, so please give priority to using it for temporary storage.


[Kitchen Stocker]
There is a kitchen stocker for each person (actually for each room) in the kitchen.
In addition, we have a kitchen stocker in the kids’ space for family use only.


[Microwave Oven]
A microwave oven is also available. We have it by someone’s donation.


Please do not take out any shared toys.
Also, please be sure to clean up after use.
Please be considerate when using the space so that the next person can use it comfortably.


<Other shared spaces>


・Hallways on each floor Same as adults,
please do not run in the hallways (which could cause injury) and do not make loud noises.


・Grass garden Please be careful not to disturb the neighbors and the rooms upstairs.


・Co-working space Please do not make loud noise as this space is used by people who are concentrating on their work.


・Atelier space There are many tools like drills and other high-risk shared equipments in the space. Children of preschool age should not enter the space and children older than elementary school must be accompanied by an adult to use the facility and must handle the equipment with care.


・Restrooms Please do not throw diapers into the toilets on each floor. Please put them away in your room’s trash.


Children's Temporary Care


(1) Leave a preschooler alone. → Basically, no one is allowed to take care of a preschooler.


When asking a single person to take care of your preschooler, we recommend that he/she takes care of your child for 15 to 30 minutes only.


The reason for this is that if your child has to take a BM, cries of sleepiness, or other emergencies, it may be difficult for a single person with little or no experience to take care of any children. We only recommend that the situation you ask someone to take care of your child is when you go to a convenience store or something else.


Taking care of your child is through trust. It is important to have a common understanding of the rules and etiquette, so please keep in mind that you can help each other with moderation.


It is recommended that you confirm in advance how long you will be leaving your child with them and who to contact in case of an emergency for the sake of both parties.
= = = = =.


(2) Children up to elementary school age→Stay at home alone is OK.


*However, you must send the “Child staying home alone template” to the family group LINE.


(Even if an elementary school student is alone in the common space, because families would be concerned if they didn’t know.)
*You don’t have to send it every weekd




<Template for child's stay-at-home care>


▶ Name of the child:
▶︎Time away from home: / :00〜   :00
▶︎Reason for absence:.
▶︎Emergency contact in case of any problems (name/phone number):





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